C is for Cookie

DSC05666 So you may have noticed that we Ladies like to cook. Smalerie has a whole blog devoted to the art of bento. Tiny Doom shared her love of infusions and fantasy-related cookbooks, and of course I have nearly 150 posts on the subject of food and cooking. We are comfortable in a kitchen, is what I'm saying. And that's good, because in a couple of weeks Comicazi is hosting an event that annually puts our love of the oven to the test.

Cookie Clash_table

In fact, the event started a few years ago as sort of a joke between Tiny Doom, myself, and one of the proprietors of the shop, one Michael Burke.  The details are lost to the hazy mists of memory, but the gist was that TD's cookies are made with hate, while mine are made with love, or some such nonsense. A bake-off was suggested, an epic clash between bakers to determine who had the one cookie to rule them all. It was a joke...until it wasn't.

more cookies!

And so, the Comicazi Cookie Clash was born! Now going into its third iteration, the event swiftly approacheth, and people are baking like fiends. Far larger than Tiny Doom or myself, last year 19 bakers produced 6 dozen each of some truly outstanding treats. This year we're hoping for another amazing turnout -I know that some of contestants have already begun baking test batches in an effort to cover themselves in glory. Each baker (or team of bakers, if that is how you roll) bakes 2 dozen each of chocolate chip, bar, and their specialty cookies. Then our teams of expert judges vote on the winners. Competition is intense!


However, this event isn't JUST about baking cookies - it's also about eating them. If you live in the Boston area, we would love to see you at the event! It's going to be held on November 3rd at 7 pm, and for a mere $6 you can hang out at Comicazi and eat as many cookies as you like! The best part is that all of the money raised goes to a charity near and dear to my heart, Boston Partners in Education. Boston Partners supports struggling students in the Boston Public Schools by providing them with academic mentors from the community - and now you can support that simply by eating cookies! What's not to love? We've also got some very cool judges lined up, including last year's Chocolate Chip winner, Linda from The Chocolate Tarte, and Inn at the Crossroads/Food Through the Pages' own Chelsea Monroe-Cassel. If you like comics, fantasy, or food, this is going to be the place to be.


So if you're in the neighborhood on November 3rd, stop by and see us! We'd love to see you, feed you some cookies, and talk about the role of ladies in comics. And unrelated to cookies, did you check out our Who's Who page and our new logo?   They were designed by the amazingly talented Sara Franks-Allen! Sara is the original lady of Comicazi - she was the first lady customer back when it was a wee baby store, just starting out in the world. Now the store is a big boy of 12, and Sara is a vital member of the community, participating in book club, hosting Muppet Trivia with Smalerie, and generally bopping around being awesome. We are hoping to feature some of Sara's serious knowledge of animation and Muppets one of these days (hint, hint Sara) but in the meantime are overwhelmingly excited about the super artwork she did for us! Thank you, Sara!