Cosplay Ladies of Comicon: Myratheon Cosplay
The cosplay of Boston Comic Con 2014 did not disappoint, and we took another opportunity to profile some of the amazing work that was on display. First up: Myratheon Cosplay
Costume made by: The lady herself! This was an original design and which all components of the costume were hand made...even the mask and her hand carved sword!
Favorite costume piece/biggest challenge: That mask you guys, this pic, taken in the crowded convention hall does not do it justice, so be sure to check out her facebook page for more pictures. The Anubis mask is Myratheon Cosplay's favorite part of the costume (The Red Menace and I felt the same). It was also her biggest challenge. In speaking with her you could definitely get a sense of how proud she was of her work...and she should be!
Cosplay experiences: Myratheon, has, for the most part had good experiences with the Cosplay community. No doubt signs like this help:
Her hard work has been well received which has helped her gain confidence. She did however have a tougher experience at Connecticon where she received some negative feedback on her gender-swapped costume of Scar from Disney's The Lion King. Some of the organizers felt she was sexualizing a Disney character. Her response? "Since when do lions where clothes?" Check out pics of this costume and decide for yourself...
Thoughts on Clown Spiders: Here's a place where Myratheon Cosplay and I differ. She found our Clown Spider stickers adorable!
Where will she be next: You can see her next at Rhode Island Comicon! Maybe you'll see some of The Ladies there too...