LadiesCon Guest Spotlight: Erica Henderson

The word is out about LadiesCon and the buzz around this little event is deafening.  Happily, we have our amazing guests to thank for a large part of that.  This week, I am not only hoping to keep the momentum going, but to also take the chance to highlight one of guests - The Unbeatable Erica Henderson. fight

At first my intention when creating this Spotlight Post was to provide as much information I could find about the woman herself.  I would write about how she grew up in New York, attended RISD, and was pretty much destined for greatness.  The problem is that I kept getting distracted.  I found myself poring through her Tumblr and Twitter posts just taking in her art as much as possible.  You see, I'm not much of an artist myself.  So when I try to explain how incredible it is to have Erica as a guest at LadiesCon, it is not because I can tell you that her style is influenced by this or that artist or that her line work is a marvel.  Instead, I can tell you that I am sitting at my kitchen table, literally surrounded by my own collection of her books, and has been quite a year for her -  drawing Squirrel Girl and Jughead, attending San Diego Comicon, receiving an Eisner Nomination, curating an astounding collection of squirrel-related collectibles, and even dead lifting over 175 lbs.  Erica Henderson is a star.


In terms of artistic style, there is no one out there like Erica. Her style is unique, light, and often feels both kinetic and bouncy.  She is a perfect match for Squirrel Girl's enthusiasm, drive, and moxie.  The facial expressions Erica uses are open, expressive, and hilarious.  Nothing is held back.  And it is just so much fun to look at.


In addition to just being fun, Erica's style is pro-women in a way that is subtle and empowering.  She uses a variety of facial and body types, creating characters that are easily recognizable and relatable.  Not every character is the same kind of conventionally pretty and I find that refreshing.

Also refreshing and exciting is Erica's grasp of fashion.  I feel that in many comic books that I've read, the clothing choices of the characters can often be an afterthought, especially in the case of stories that take place in present day.  When not in their hero costumes, the guys are often in plain shirts and some jeans.  The ladies are given the same plain treatment with the exception of when they are in something impractical and sexy.   Erica's characters are not only dressed in outfits that real people wear, but their fashion and style choices often match the personality of the character.  Squirrel Girl can be seen in baggy tops and leggings (comfortable, in-style, but also ready to spring into action) and the teens in Jughead dress like real teenagers spanning from trendy to classic.


If you are able to join us at LadiesCon, make sure you stop by Erica's table to say hi, get a signature, or purchase some of her work.  If you won't be able to make it to our event, you should make it a point to check out Squirrel Girl, Jughead, and her other work if you haven't already.  For those of you already Squirrel Girl fans, don't forget to grab a copy of Squirrel Girl Beats Up The Marvel Universe in October!


Comments Time!  If you are excited about LadiesCon, have questions for the Ladies, or just want to add to the Erica Henderson Bandwagon of praise, you know what to do - use that comments section below!